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Learn about our Ventilation services

Create Happy and Safe Work Environments with Ventilation

Adequate ventilation regulates the airflow and temperature of a building, reducing the risk of airborne illnesses and promoting a productive and comfortable work climate.

With the right ventilation system in place, businesses can reduce the risk of fire, smoke, and other hazardous airborne contaminants, while providing their employees with a comfortable and safe workplace.

Our team is knowledgable in the latest ventilation technologies, techniques, and regulations, and will work with you to create a safe, effective and sustainable ventilation system to meet your project’s requirements.

Our in-house team of designers and engineers have extensive industry experience and are dedicated to completing your project successfully.

Design Supply & Install

Commercial Sectors
  • Offices
  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Gyms
Industrial Sectors
  • Warehouses
  • Factories
  • Industrial Dust Extraction
Commercial Kitchens
  • Kitchen Canopies
  • Kitchen Extraction

Surveys & Maintenance

Fire Damper Inspections

Fire damper inspections are crucial for ensuring compliance with UK regulations and maintaining the safety of your building.

Fire dampers are designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through ducts and ventilation systems, and regular inspections are necessary to ensure they are functioning properly.

At QVAC, our team of experts is trained to carry out comprehensive fire damper inspections and provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your building is up to standards.

Contact us today to schedule an inspection and ensure the safety of your building and its occupants.

Airflow Tests

Airflow tests are an essential component of ensuring the efficiency and safety of ventilation systems.

Poor airflow can lead to a range of issues, including increased energy consumption and decreased air quality. At QVAC, we offer comprehensive airflow testing services to ensure that your ventilation system is operating at peak efficiency.

Our team of experts will identify any issues with your system and provide solutions to improve its performance, helping you save on energy costs and maintain a healthy and comfortable environment for your building’s occupants.

Contact us today to schedule an airflow test and optimise your ventilation system.

Ductwork Cleaning

Ductwork cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a safe and healthy environment in a variety of settings, from hospitals and laboratories to offices and restaurants.

Over time, dirt, dust, and other contaminants can build up in ductwork, leading to poor air quality, reduced energy efficiency, and potential health risks. At QVAC, we offer professional ductwork cleaning services for a range of sectors to ensure that your ventilation system is functioning at its best.

Our team of experts uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to thoroughly clean and sanitise your ductwork, improving air quality and reducing the risk of harmful contaminants.

Contact us today to schedule a ductwork cleaning service and improve the health and safety of your building’s occupants.

Maintenance and Remedial Works

In addition to our surveying services, we also offer an in-house service for carrying out any resulting maintenance and remedial works, ensuring that your ventilation system is functioning at its best.

With years of experience in the industry, you can trust us to provide high-quality service and solutions to optimise your system’s performance.

Contact us today to schedule a survey and learn more about our maintenance and remedial works services.